Creativity Consulting

Categories: interaction design / product strategy / user experience research

Date: February 2018 – Present

Skills: entrepreneurship, small business owner, product strategy, customer relations, brainstorming, iterative design sprints, setting up my clients for personal success


On leaving VMware in the spring of 2018, I was ready for my next big challenge. So I launched a design consulting business called Deduce Designs, which has over time evolved to specifically be focused on inspiring other small business owners and creatives to develop their own budding ideas and businesses. I call this creativity coaching and consulting – but ultimately, it is about playing in the space of imagination: giving other makers permission to dream big and take risks (in a manageable way). Guided by design thinking, I help lead my clients through their own process to uncover limits they’ve set on themselves, while giving them the tools necessary to move forwards on making their dreams a reality.

Fundamentally, I believe the learning experience of trying a crazy idea nearly always outweighs the risk of “playing it safe.” Plus, I think the world would be a more diverse, creative, and compassionate place if more people were willing to start their own vision-driven businesses.

To these ends, I’ve been publishing courses on Deduce Designs as well as other platforms such as Skillshare. I recognize that my customers have different needs depending on where they are on their own journey, so my offerings range from ways to unlock their own creativity to understanding the fundamentals of the design process. Feel free to check them out or share them with any creative folks you think might be interested!

